Now accepting new clients for:

'“Living Well with Now-Brain”

A Somatic Skills and Support Group for ADHD and Executive Dyfunction

Mindful, Body-Centered Psychotherapy in Philadelphia

Somatic therapy is a holistic approach to psychological healing and personal growth that works directly with the mind-body connection. It combines mindfulness and body-centered awareness with elements of talk and experiential therapy, granting focused access to the core wounds underlying current psychological problems. Gentle but powerful, somatic psychotherapy works deeply to help you gain crucial insight, experience new ways of being and feeling, and cultivate lasting change.

At Philadelphia Somatic Therapy, we provide a therapy experience that is goal-oriented and grounded in collaboration and respect. Whether you're looking to work individually or as a couple, our therapists can assist you in breaking through old barriers and finding more satisfaction and aliveness.

A Different Kind of Psychotherapy

Have you tried therapy before - but found that it didn't quite work for you? Maybe you stayed with one therapist for too long and never saw the results you were looking for. Or maybe you found that "just talking" about your problems wasn't moving you toward the change you were hoping to make.

Often, our clients are surprised by how powerful and transformative somatic therapy feels from the very beginning. While purpose-driven, our work always takes place in an atmosphere of spaciousness and safety.

Our passion is in helping you create the life you seek.

Our Services

  • Individual Somatic Therapy

    One-on-one somatic psychotherapy, for whatever you’re going through. A mindful, body-aware method for healing from unnecessary suffering and transforming limiting beliefs and habits.

  • Trauma Therapy

    So many people today carry the scars of traumatic experiences new and old. But healing and growth from trauma is now more possible than ever.

  • Psychedelic Integration

    We affirm the healing potential of psychedelic medicine utilized under safe conditions, now being recognized throughout our society and across the globe. We are available to help you process and make meaning of psychedelic experiences you have had, as well to advise on harm reduction.

  • Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

    Ketamine is a gentle, yet dynamic medicine that works both as a psychedelic agent and as a powerful anti-depressant. Ketamine-assisted Therapy (KAT) has been found effective for relief from depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Avaiable in both individual and group formats.

  • ADHD/Executive Dysfunction Skills and Support Group

    Many adults are living with some level of executive dysfunction, making keeping up with modern life an endless source of anxiety and shame. This 12 week group offers a holistic approach combining evidence based cognitive-behavioral therapy with somatic awareness practices and warm interpersonal support.

What Patients Are Saying

"Despite the constraints of meeting over Zoom, Benjamin created safe space and refuge for raw, open conversation. His care and attentiveness, curiosity and leadership, wisdom and playfulness fostered layer after layer of growth and connection in our group. I felt willing to take emotional risks in his presence, because I trust him and his capable facilitation." - M.


"I saw Benjamin for just 10 sessions, but in that time he helped me reach a new level of psychological understanding. He was able to separate my core issues from the superficial ones, and focused on resolving those core issues. Like all good psychologists, he is easy to talk to and has a good sense of humor." - A.