Starting Therapy

Once we hear from through the form on the contact page, we’ll get in touch to set up a brief phone call with you before scheduling your first session. This is for us to get a sense of what's bringing you to seek psychotherapy, and for you to get a sense of how we work and have a chance to ask questions, so that we can both determine whether BST is a good fit for you. If so, at the end of the conversation we'll schedule your first in-person session.

Sessions are 50 minutes and occur once per week. We will always try to start on time and end on time. There is no pre-determined shape or format to a therapy session - each one will depend on what we're working on and what is happening for you that day. Similarly, there is no predictable amount of sessions we will need to address your concerns - every therapy is unique, some requiring just a few sessions to create meaningful change, and others needing more time and patience to deepen, develop, and yield results. Our therapists will consistently communicate with you about how therapy is going for you and how well it is meeting your needs. Your only job is to show up ready to be present, curious, and open to your experience. 

Billing and Insurance

Our basic session rate ranges from $175-$250 per session, depending on therapist. Payment is completed at the end of each session by virtually swiping your credit card. We will ask for you credit card information before the first session and keep it on file.

For those in financial need, we maintain a limited number of lower-fee openings. Discount rates are also available to veterans. If this describes your situation, please inquire about these options in your initial message.

Philly Somatic Therapy is an out-of-network provider, meaning you can be significantly reimbursed for our services by any insurance plan that includes out-of-network benefits, including Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, and United Healthcare. Usually this involves submitting a claim form to your insurance carrier along with a billing statement from your provider detailing the services rendered, diagnosis, etc. We will be happy to provide you with such statements (also called superbills) as often as you need. 

If you're not sure if you have out-of-network benefits, call your insurance company and ask them these questions:

  • Do I have out-of-network coverage for outpatient psychotherapy (CPT Code 90834)?

  • What is my deductible? Has any of it been met yet?

  • What is my coinsurance? (This will be the percentage that your insurance company will pay after you meet your deductible)