Psychedelic Integration

A new day is dawning in mental healthcare as psychedelic medicines move toward governmental approval and more mainstream psychiatric use. Carefully done research continues to bear out the profound healing potential of safe and intentional psychedelic experience.

At Brooklyn Somatic Therapy, we offer an informed and affirmative approach to psychedelic integration. While we do not recommend trying psychedelics outside of a legitimate psychiatric setting, we are available to to discuss any experiences you have had in a non-judgmental and productive way.

What is psychedelic integration?

In every healing tradition involving psychedelics, it is understood that the work begun during psychedelic journeys continues well beyond their formal end. New insights and perspectives become more deeply rooted with further reflection and elaboration in a safe space. New impulses toward healthy behavior and self-compassion that arise with psychedelics need to be identified, cultivated, and supported to become integrated into the individual’s day to day life. A weekly or biweekly therapy session with a trusted practitioner is the perfect place to carry out this important part of the process. Get in touch with us to ask questions, learn more, or set up an appointment.